
Lynn Ray Lewis

What should I say about myself? Well, I am the mother of four and still raising kids. I have worked in factories and yes, I have cleaned bathrooms as a job. When I became a Realtor I found my niche in the workplace. I love walking into houses and discovering the secrets that some homes can tell. Look at a kitchen doorway and you might be lucky enough to see the small nicks in the wood from parents measuring a child each year. I could go on and on, but this is a bio not a book.

I have been an avid reader since I first read the book Gone With The Wind at age nine. I didn’t understand it completely at that time, but I thought Rhett got a bad deal. But then I am a sucker for a happy ending. I have been writing short stories for years and always wanted to send my writings in to a publisher. The problem? I write what real people say. I describe my love scenes and sex scenes in explicit modern language. (Although I do love a historical romance.) I hope you enjoy my stories as much as I enjoyed writing them. My first series for Siren-BookStrand is the At The Lake series. Dizzy’s Story is the first, then Jane’s Story and last, but more intense, is Morgan’s Story.

Welcome author, Lynn Ray Lewis, here with us today.

1. Why did you choose to write ménage? I love reading about alternative lifestyles. It made me think, about different story lines, so I began to write one. What intrigues you about this particular genre? The thought that three people could have a wonderful loving relationship without “cheating on one another, Three people from separate back grounds and interests, or siblings sharing the same mate.

2. Tell us about your latest ménage release: what’s it all about? Where did you find the inspiration? Truthfully? I love my shifters, yet why limit my imagination to just one or two? I have read about books from several areas of the world and thought, I need a new place, somewhere my characters can play and thrive. That is how the planet Echo came into being, and where my series Tremble Island, the Lords and Ladies begins.

3. Who is your favorite ménage character(s) and why? I have yet to meet my favorite Menage Characters. When I do I will let you know

4. In your opinion, what makes a good ménage novel? Character of the Characters, My heros are often tough guys with hears that are hidden beneath the rubble of everyday life. Some of them are open and easy going, some are harsh and forboding, but all of them have such a strong capacity to love.

5. What do you think of ménage romance in general? Do you think numbers are important in ménage stories? The more the better or maybe not? My opinion on the numbers is rather simple, three is my normal cut off point, four gets messy and truthfully? To me they are difficult to involve myself in. I do not want to try to keep up with who is doing what to whom it becomes confusing and I just am not the kind of writer to write more people into one sex scene.

6. What sparks your ménage imagination to the point of writing one? Is there a particular source of inspiration for your ménage stories? No, I sit down to write a story, when it becomes obvious to me that my characters need another person to meld the story and help the romance, the third gets added, like in real life, you do not automatically fall in love with two or more people, it just happens at a natural pace.

7. What is your favorite gender combination in ménage? More men than women? No women all men? Why? I am in my comfort zone of more men than women, Although I have been toying with the idea of writing a F/M/F sometime in the near future.

8. Do you prefer to use straight, gay or bisexual male character? Why? What influences your choice? For now, I am in the straight male phase of writing. Again the lure and challenge of writing a Bi- sexual male is luring me.

9. In your opinion, inside a ménage with more than one man, is the woman character condemned to a passive role? Or can she be portrayed as dominant? Is she just a toy, a doll in the men’s hands, or can she assert herself as a woman and an individual? No Barbie Dolls in my books, Ever. I like to think my ladies are with their men from choice, not need. I am old school in real life, A woman should be able to take care of herself before expecting someone else to take care of her. My heroines are strong, capable women. Yes some are gentle by nature, but they have an independent streak and let the Hero know from the start.

10. In your opinion, can a true ménage work in real life? Why or why not? Yes I think they can exist. They actually do last some for a long time, Most are not “out in the open like you read in romance books.

11. Do you think there is a difference between ménage sex and ménage relationship? Are the two one and the same? Or can one be without the other? They certainly can exist. And I would venture to say that Menage sex is more prevalent than Menage relationships. Pure sexual relationships are easy to have and easy to walk away from, often explained away as being too drunk or what ever reason works for the individuals at the time. A relationship involves a commitment of the heart. That is a true test for any lasting relationship.

12. What do you think of reviews on ménage books? Do you find they capture the essence of your work? If yes, why? If no, why not? Actually reviews are great. I have been unfortunate enough to buy a few books that clearly states it is a ménage, by the time the book is finished, I find that there is no ménage, The small amount of three or more people touching is not ménage in my opinion. If I buy a book, it is on me. Yes I read reviews, and if I buy a book with a warning review, then it is on me. And yes, I have often enjoyed a book that carried a bad review. It is like telling someone that chocolate will make you fat. I buy it any way. And Yes I eat it! And Enjoy it!

As for your Reviews: I am an avid reader (Thank you Lynn Ray!), I have also been reviewed by you for my book, Not Bad For an Amateur. You gave me a three. Boo Hissssssss! But that was your opinion and I respect it. You had a few valid points. I am the Author, so my opinion differs from yours.

13. Tell us about your future projects. Do you have a new ménage romance coming out soon? Oh yes! I have the second book in the Tremble Island series that was just released October 8th and it is a MFM ménage. And several works in progress. Both Menage and Male / Female. lynn2

14. Where can the fans find you and find your books?

My books can be found at Siren Publishing and on Amazon: and JK Publishing

15. Please tell us where readers and fans can find you on the net.

They can shoot me an e-mail at : lynnraylewis@gmail.com or visit my blog @ http://lynnraylewis.blogspot.ca

Hopefully my web page will be up and running before too much longer.

16. Is there anything you wish to share with the readers?

I am excited about this new series. Building relationships on a new world is going to be fun and the story possibilities are endless. Remember, this is just Tremble Island, I have the entire planet of ECHO to play on.

I am also very excited to be working with JK publishing. They have a new approach to traditional E- publishing, and I am happy to have joined this young publishing company.

I will still be working with Siren publishing, so you can find me there too!

I try to bring fresh ideas and different plots to my books for my reader’s enjoyment. You will never open one of my books and begin to predict the story with accuracy. And, as always, there will be a Happy Ever After.


Thank you very much Lynn Ray for this great interview! ~Mary

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